Couscous Salad

Preparation time: 30 minutes

Yield: 6 servings
Serving size: Approximately 1/2 cup


1 1/3 cup dry whole wheat couscous
5 dried apricots, chopped into bite-sized pieces
1/2 cup dried cranberries
1 cup water
1/2 cup slivered almonds
1 teaspoon cumin powder
3 green onions, sliced
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon olive oil
Black pepper to taste


Cook couscous according to directions on package.  Combine dried cranberries and apricots in water and microwave on high for 30 seconds to soften fruit. Drain. Combine couscous, cranberries, apricots and remaining ingredients and chill for 4 hours to blend flavors. Served chilled or at
room temperature.

Nutrition Facts

Per serving:
Calories: 277
Protein: 8 grams
Total fat: 9 grams
Saturated fat: 1 gram
Cholesterol: 0 milligrams
Sodium: 46 milligrams
Dietary fiber: 4 grams

Liz Friedrich is a nutrition and health promotion consultant based in North Carolina.

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