
Approximately 1.5 million people in the U.S. have lupus. Learn about what lupus is and the symptoms associated with it.

Lupus and Cervical Cancer

by Cooper B. Wilhelm

Routine Pap testing helps many women catch cervical cancer early, but a study suggested many women with lupus are not getting screened.

Lupus and Headaches

by Cooper B. Wilhelm

Researchers in Canada used data from 11 countries to take a closer look at the connection between lupus and headaches.

Women with Lupus Can Fight Smart

by Lisa Pevtzow

Women who have lupus and have children benefit from social support, support groups and asking for help as needed.

Lupus, Depression and Race

by Joseph Gustaitis

Rheumatoid arthritis and lupus are different diseases, but they have a lot in common. Both are autoimmune diseases, chronic diseases and cause joint pain.

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